How Our Client Onboarding at Innovecs Fosters Long-Term Relationships from the Start
Vlad Kopanko
February 28, 2024 5 min read
Quick summary

Innovecs keenly adapts to the rapidly changing technological landscape and changing client needs, significantly impacting our approach to client onboarding. While clients prioritize cost efficiency, time-to-market, and team retention, they also seek partners with diverse industry experience and a robust set of capabilities. Our focus isn’t just on providing high-quality solutions but on demonstrating our value and expertise in the market.

Hence, our onboarding is tailored to align closely with client goals, fostering trust and delivering innovative solutions efficiently.

Enhancing Client Experience and Satisfaction

Onboarding is undoubtedly one of the important stages in relationships with the business, whether it’s a client or a new employee. We have certain methods for assessing the quality of a given contract — they vary, and hence, the service components are different. During onboarding, we establish quality criteria that are necessary for each client. As a result, we clearly understand the expectations we work with as a company. From this, we develop:

  • Processes and procedures
  • Team composition
  • SLA (Service Level Agreement)
  • Response speed to various inquiries
  • Level and deadlines of services, etc.

Of course, for us, a crucial tool is CSAT, in which we maintain a certain consistency. This provides us with a regular snapshot of client satisfaction levels. Additionally, this tool gives us a clear script for responding to specific issues identified in this survey.

Our Stance On Effective and Smooth Onboarding

The selection of people and roles responsible for the client onboarding process primarily depends on the delivery model. Signed contracts determine the scope of work and agreements. An Account Executive gathers all this information in a deck. Based on the engagement type in each case, they conduct internal onboarding for internal services.

Key Steps in the Onboarding Process:

  • Internal Preparation: The Account Executive convenes a meeting with key department heads, such as the head of the delivery department, HR, finance, recruitment, and IT, if necessary (to set up internal networks).
  • Project Presentation: The Account Executive presents the engagement and project details, outlining who will interact with whom. They discuss the client’s stakeholder list and respective responsibilities.
  • Recruitment Briefing: Recruiters are informed about the necessary personnel for successful project completion, planned finish dates, agreed SLA deadlines, and the schedule for the finance department to issue invoices.
  • Comprehensive Internal Briefing: An internal layout is prepared for all departments, addressing all pertinent questions.
  • Client Onboarding: Depending on the engagement type, we introduce the client to our internal processes, people, roles, and areas of responsibility and organize a communication plan, a delivery plan, and a hiring plan for the project, including deadlines.
  • Two-Way Familiarization: A comprehensive introduction of both businesses takes place, establishing a connection. The first three months involve the ‘inception stage’ – aligning terminologies and ensuring both businesses understand each other equally.
Our Definition Of Successful Onboarding
  • Mutual Responsibility: Effective onboarding at Innovecs involves designated individuals from both businesses responsible for onboarding. The process is mutual: our client onboards us as a digital partner, and we do the same, ensuring a reciprocal influence.
  • Control and Flexibility: We aim to assign responsible individuals from both interested sides to ensure successful onboarding. The process is closely monitored and made as flexible as possible.
  • Adaptability to Size and Scope: Onboarding for the same client can vary significantly across different projects. It differs for small startups compared to large companies with multiple projects, where team members may not even know each other.
  • Proactivity: Emphasizing a proactive approach to ensure quality service standards that only grow over time, enhancing client loyalty and strengthening relationships while maintaining consistency in all our actions, regardless of circumstances.
Building Trust During Inception

It’s evident that trust cannot be established from day zero; it is formed over time. Trust arises based on certain criteria, simultaneously important to all partnership participants, both as individuals and as businesses as a whole. At Innovecs, the foundation of trustful relationships includes several key elements:

  • Transparency and Clarity: Essential in defining and managing client expectations. This involves implementing detailed contracts precisely, without making excuses if something doesn’t go as planned.
  • Constant Improvement Reliant on Feedback: We acknowledge the need for continual self-improvement and development as a partner, responding to client feedback and evolving market demands.
  • Regular and Consistent Communication: Engaging in ongoing dialogue and involving the client in specific decision-making processes fosters a deeper sense of trust and partnership.
  • Equally Understood Definition of Success: Defining success is a collaborative effort. We work with our clients to establish a set of criteria that represent the success of our collaboration.
  • Maintaining Engagement: Ensuring that the level of client engagement remains high and consistent. We focus on keeping the client involved and interested in the ongoing process.

While things may be going well today, we recognize that it’s an opportunity to proactively plan and ensure continued success for tomorrow.

Onboarding Strategies of The Future

I believe we will increasingly focus on industrial solutions, such as specializing in logistics and warehouse management. The benefit here is when clients recognize our deep expertise in specific domains, it leads to collaborations based on our ready or nearly ready in-house solutions. This enables us to communicate effectively with our clients, as we speak the same language in these areas. Innovecs will maintain its commitment to enhancing our team’s skills and competencies, adapting our strategies in response to market shifts.

One certainty persists: today’s effective strategies may become obsolete tomorrow. Therefore, our continuous adaptability remains a key factor in why clients consistently choose us, trusting our ability to evolve with changing times.

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