“This industry encourages letting your imagination run wild” – first-hand insights about Community Management at Innovecs Games
Sylwia Nowińska
Senior Marketing & PR Communications Manager
September 20, 2023 5 min read

The gaming world is developing very dynamically, and here at Innovecs, we want to keep pace with it. That’s why we introduced a dedicated game development brand and we are also expanding its team in Poland. One of the first local representatives of Innovecs Games is Magda Górska, who joined the Community Management team. And her devotion to games couldn’t make us happier!

In our talk, I asked Magda about her professional challengespassions, and things that she values outside of work.


– Hi Magda! I’m delighted you joined our Polish team of innovecsers. I’d love to know more about you. Would you please share your story with us?

I’ve always been drawn to games. In my childhood, we had Pegasus and Commodore at home, then PlayStation, and a computer even later. When I grew up and it was time to look for a job, I really wanted it to be something related to games. That’s how I landed a job as a Mobile Game Tester, from which I then moved to Player Support. It turned out that working with players is very interesting, although challenging. However, I became committed to this profession and have been developing in the direction of building and maintaining a player community for a long time now. This is something that also gives me a lot of joy privately when I participate in forums or moderate them.


– It’s not a surprise that you chose Innovecs Games then. Gaming is such a dynamic industry! What fascinates you the most about it?

The unpredictability of what players will like. That’s why it’s so important to listen to what they say. Sometimes it may turn out that we may think that some game mechanics are unnecessary and we don’t want to work on them anymore, but players are crazy about them! Besides, this industry encourages letting your imagination run wild. Although it might seem abstract to some, games tell a story about the importance of dreaming, creating, and not being afraid to venture into the unknown.


– So, what’s your favorite game?

Spyro, Lemmings, Baldur’s Gate, and Star Craft. And Goat Simulator ;). Each of these games has a special place in my heart. That’s the beauty of games – just like with books, choosing just one is almost impossible. I don’t even have a favorite platform, as I play on both PC and console.


– Going back to work – most Polish employees choose to work remotely. I really like how convenient this work-from-home setup is, and I’m happy that I still have great support from the company and stay in touch with my colleagues. Even those who live in other countries. I’m curious about your impressions.

Yes, Innovecs definitely supports people who prefer remote work. And that’s great that everyone here cares about having good contact with other colleagues. This is paramount because without building bonds at work, one begins to feel lonely, even when part of a large team. And it’s way harder to discuss doubts, ask questions, solve problems, and trust managers. Remote work is comfortable, but it can be a trap if building relationships with others is ignored. For me personally, a huge pro is the fact that I don’t need to commute anywhere! I used to spend up to 4 hours a day (!) on public transport, and saving this time allows for a completely different day schedule. You can use that time to attend fitness classes instead of getting frustrated in traffic. 😊 There are also some other simple perks in remote work. For example, when it’s raining outside in the morning, we don’t start the day stressed about getting cold on the way to work.


– Speaking of the time you manage to save – I’m also curious how you combine your Community Manager’s job with your passions and hobbies. Is there something else that you fancy doing besides games?

For me, it’s a job you never really leave. Of course, I say this tongue-in-cheek because I value work-life balance. But I read game trivia with pleasure regardless of the day or time. I turn off one game and switch to another. But always in with breaks for movement! It’s crucial, especially when working remotely.

Most of my friends are gamers. Most of the communities I belong to are related to games. I have other passions, like crocheting — but even that intertwines with the world of games. Because when considering what to crochet, I think about whether to make it in the colors from Spyro, for example. I also love plants; I have over 30 different species, and each of them is an interesting lesson in geography and biology for me – each has different preferences stemming from its origin. Has each of these plants been named after a game character? Maybe. 🙂


– Wow! You really talk about this with great passion. I’d love to play a game with you! So before we grab the controllers, please tell me, what encouraged you to apply to Innovecs and how would you like to develop professionally?

Innovation is a beautiful word and an even more beautiful action. I like the idea behind the company and the atmosphere that has been with me since day one. I would like to develop in the area of building communities from scratch. It’s a big challenge because the market is saturated, and the audience is overstimulated. But in my opinion, it’s the community that has the most to say. These are people who look the product in the eye in reality and see its soul, to then present it to the world.


– Thank you for the conversation. It’s been a pleasure.

Thank you.

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